Vision correction results

Safe, effective, and proven results

Since first becoming available, vision correction procedures have a proven record of success and safety. In fact, such procedures have grown to become some of the most popular elective procedures in North America. 

A recent study conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looked at outcomes following LASIK, and the numbers revealed that 98% of patients were satisfied with the results of their LASIK procedure.

The same percentage of patients achieved at least 20/20 vision or better following their procedure, which is the level that is required to drive a car independent from glasses or contacts. And finally, the study also concluded that the quality of life in the patients improved.

And there’s more: Many have found that their newfound, post-LASIK vision exceeds their expectations: A large number of people achieve 20/15 vision, which is better than 20/20, at their three-month follow-up appointment. And, with regards to intraocular lens (IOL) procedures, 98% of people demonstrated 20/20 distance vision—or better

In terms of immediate benefits, LASIK is a minimally-invasive procedure with virtually no downtime. In the hours and days immediately after a vision correction procedure, our patients are pleasantly surprised to learn that the recovery period is brief and that they are able to resume their day-to-day activities, like going for a walk or working at their desks, just 24 hours later.


Night vision outcomes

Night vision disturbances are usually described as ghosting, haloes, or glare—but also can refer to a difficulty with seeing in dim or low-lighting conditions. Night vision disturbances are often cited as an area of concern for many of our patients, who say that it can impact driving at night. And they’re not alone: Some 30% to 40% of the population with myopia experience a slight impairment to their vision once the sun goes down.

With today’s new laser technology, though, night vision problems are corrected. With older forms of laser vision correction, sometimes night vision disturbances would arise. However, state-of-the-art lasers used by LASIK MD greatly remove the potential for any night vision disturbances occurring. LASIK MD's technology provides the highest level of night vision outcomes in terms of what is available today.

Many patients even report a noticeable improvement to their night vision following LASIK surgery—in fact, 97% of people noticed their night vision greatly improved.

If you are looking to improve your vision, then find out if you’re a candidate for a life-changing procedure. Book your free, no-obligation consultation.